Biblical text: 

To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever (Psalm 30:12).


Daily Meditation, day 31 of 31 days of the month of January, we will study and meditate on the scriptures relating to our topic ‘The God of mercy and favour’ – Thanksgiving 

Throughout the month of January, we have meditated on the favour and mercy of God as they are powerful instruments needed by believers of Christ Jesus. The combined favour and mercy are like a weapon that makes God to overlook any wrongdoing and grant you favour and grace. Even our Lord Jesus Christ was granted favour. We thank God for the beginning to the end of the month.

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place (2 Corinthians 2:14).

“The sons of foreigners shall build up your walls, And their kings shall minister to you; For in My wrath, I struck you, But in My favour, I have had mercy on you (Isaiah 60:10).

But as for me, my prayer is to You, O Lord, in the acceptable time; O God, in the multitude of Your mercy, Hear me in the truth of Your salvation (Psalm 69.13).

Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, On those who hope in His mercy (Psalm 33:18).

Further Scriptures:
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men (Luke 2:52).

Stay connected online as we study and meditate on ‘The  Ministry of the Word of God’ throughout the month of February 2025.

Faith Confession of the Month:

Thanks be to God for my salvation, divine health, grace, glory, provision, protection, eternal life, healings, and supernatural ability at work in me. I operate in the Higher dimension of the Spirit and Power of God. Your mercy and favour and blessing are my inheritance today in the name of Jesus Chrisy

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