Your Devotional message for 18th January 2023


Then He opens the ears of men and seals their instruction (Job 33:16).


Have you ever received an instruction from the Lord before? Yes, a Divine instruction is very crucial in one’s life when you are at a crossroad. It is often useful as it gives you direction or order of what you must do perhaps to overcome a huddle of life. The Holy Spirit speaks to people in diverse ways but often can be in a vision or dream or through a prophetic voice to convey His Divine instruction to you. Job was in a critical situation when he wrote that ‘Then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction’ (Job 33:16).

In this year, know for sure that there is Holy Spirit able to give you specific instruction whenever you are confronted with challenge of life, perhaps you need a direction or destination. 

As you walk in the glory of the Lord, the Holy Spirit will reveal His counsel about the Promises of God, His plans, guidance, direction, instructions, and enlightenment. 

I pray for you that in this year the Lord shall bring to you revelation of His counsel, favour, mercy, blessing, success, and progress in the name of Jesus.

In today Daily Meditation, day 18 of the 31 days of the month of December, we will study and meditate on the scriptures relating to our new series ‘The counsel of the Lord’.

For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds,
then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction. In order to turn man from his deed, and conceal pride from man, He keeps back his soul from the Pit, and his life from perishing by the sword. (Job 33:14-18).

Here are further scriptures:

“Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: ‘Go and tell the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, “Will you not receive instruction to obey My words?” says the Lord (Jeremiah 35:13).

I pray that His mercy and grace will preserve you and keep you  in the name of Jesus. You will walk in the counsel of the Lord for your life. Glory be to God.

Have you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour?

Today, let me encourage you that Jesus Christ came for your salvation and to give you freely Eternal life. If you are yet to receive Christ, do so today by repentance from all your sins and confess Jesus Christ as Your Lord and saviour. 

Glory be to God!

We would love you to stay connected as we will study and meditate on ‘The Counsel of the Lord’ throughout the month of January 2023.

Faith Confession of the Month:

Thanks be to God for  my salvation, divine health, grace, glory, provision, protection, eternal life, healings, and supernatural ability at work in me. I operate in the Higher dimension of the Spirit and Power of God. I am more than a conqueror  every day of my life. I function in the Powerful name of Jesus with great grace and Mighty Power of God for His great works – Healings, miracles, signs, and wonders. Infirmity in my body be scattered and be destroyed by Fire. I cast you out. Behold, I take authority over serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me (Luke 10:19). Prosperity is mine.

This month Our God, the Great Counsellor shall manifest His glory in your life in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Prayers for others:

1. Let us pray for the peace of the World

2. We pray and agree for peace of God to reign in the Nations of Russia and Ukraine under war right now.

If you are inspired today, kindly feel free to share this Daily Meditation to friends.


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